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The Konvert Project. Incentivised Recycling initiative 

The Konvert Project is a global initiative to give kids, families, schools and all manner of community groups and poorer communities an incentivised role to take action in the war on waste in their local areas.


Konvert will educate and train these groups to identify, capture and return HDPE and Polypropylene plastics to designated pickup areas where it will then be diverted back to recycling facilities to be reborn as Konvert products. Products they and their peers will use and get stoked from daily.  


The exchange of KONVERT CREDITS for returned plastics can be used to put towards the purchase of Konvert Products and the products of our strategic partners we aim to align with. Names such as

NIKE. A global brand that show a similar degree of concern with the global plastic and waste issue and are actually taking it upon themselves to do something about it.


Konvert aims to start the initiative by capturing, cleaning, shredding and recycling HDPE milk bottles along with other appropriate types.

Our alignment with other entities like The Tony Hawk Foundation and SKATEISTAN will help us to realise our vision and mission to educate and create a new global community of empowered earthlings who can make a real difference to the impact of waste on their world through the common thread of skateboarding. 







High Density Polyethylene, Polypropylene and other thermo plastics that can be recycled are now more of a valuable resource than ever before. The capture of which and reuse / re purposing is not only more important than ever before but an essential action that must be adopted



NIKE have the GRIND initiative. Reusing old shoes for a number of new products.

ADIDAS now making new shoes from recycled shoes. 



Konverts vision is to follow these leads also by educating youth and their families on how critical it is to take positive action at their local level and have first hand input, gain recognition and be rewarded.


 Creating cool products from the by products of our throw away society. 

  Lets get shredding!


The Konvert Project. Yeah its ambitious but so is populating Mars.











       Anyone can just stand for something...

             Lets actually do something. 


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